Garbage Sluts
From the Outside:
Picking up garbage either with or in front of me with subtle razzing or other themed power play while respecting the bystander, and nature.
Other Benefits:
- Getting outside near the water or in nature
- Taking responsibility for the garbage problem for an hour or two
- Doing something I appreciate, and also partake in on the regular
This is something I do already when adventuring in nature and encounter a garbage pocket, though I realize many folks find the act of picking up garbage to be humiliating or degrading, and can play into that if wanted. Can combine with a Consultation or Golden Stroll. 90 mins to 2 hours is about the right amount of time for this with Toronto heat and humidity as it is- best done along water ways. There are a few areas I'd suggest for privacy and amount of garbage; this is best done on weekdays.
Frequently requested clarifications:
- Yes you can wear gloves or wash your hands afterwards.
- Yes you can bring a garbage spike or claw so you don't need to bend over.
- This is not an "outdoor session"; I will be wearing plain clothing.
- The consent of the bystander is very important and respect of public spaces.